The Integrated Pest Management Advisory Group’s mandate is to provide strategic advice on integrated pest management issues. This includes recommendations to the Administration about integrated pest management (IPM) and facilitating public perspective on IPM issues in order to support the ongoing implementation of the Integrated Pest Management Policy C501A.

The Committee may:

  • Identify and engage stakeholder groups and seek their input into the Advisory Group’s work.
  • Work with City Administration to develop and maintain dialogue about matters of concern from the public.
  • Provide strategic advice on emerging issues and opportunities for public and stakeholder engagement.
  • Provide perspective on consultation between the City of Edmonton, identified stakeholder groups and the community at large concerning IPM matters. 
  • Examine City information regarding current IPM operational plans and practices.
  • Provide perspective on IPM activities that address human health and safety, long-term ecosystem sustainability and efficacy against target pest(s).
  • Raise new and unexplored IPM issues relevant to the City of Edmonton.

Request to Speak

Members of the public are welcome to present at IPM Advisory Group meetings. Please complete the form.