Blue emergency help phones are located in all LRT stations, in major bus terminals and in some city pedways. To use the phone, press the button and you will be connected directly with ETS security personnel. When the phone is in use, a surveillance camera automatically starts to monitor/record the phone. Please note: these phones are different from the black information phones, which connect with 311 seven days/week (7am-7pm, closed statutory holidays).
Wall-mounted red emergency buttons are located in several areas in the downtown core, including the entrance to the Winspear Centre, the Winspear pedway, the Edmonton City Centre pedway and the Westin Hotel pedway. Pushing the button will connect you directly with ETS security personnel. When the button is activated, a surveillance camera automatically monitors/records the area.
Please note: The collection of recorded images using ETS security surveillance cameras is authorized under Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).