Development Services provides a Pre-Application Meeting for development proposals that require a Major Development Permit.
This page contains information on pre-application meetings for residential, non-residential (commercial, industrial, institutional, and similar developments) and mixed-use (a mix of residential and non-residential) development permits. Please visit Land Development Applications for information on pre-application meetings for rezonings and plan amendments.
Infill Pre-Application Meetings
The City of Edmonton offers Pre-Application Meetings for new residential infill development (Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing, Duplex Housing or one and two-unit backyard housing).
The Development Planner does not circulate the Infill Pre-Application Meetings to other departments for review before the meeting. During the meeting, you will meet with a Development Planner to review your proposal against the Zoning Bylaw and gather input from them.
The meeting may also talk about items that will help you submit a well-informed development permit application, such as application documents, variances to the Zoning Bylaw, and other considerations.
To arrange a pre-application infill meeting for residential infill developments use the Pre-Application Meeting Request Form.
Download the 2024 pre-application infill meeting calendar
Pre-Application Meetings for Major Development Permit
Development Services provides a Pre-Application Meeting for non-residential (commercial, industrial, institutional, and similar developments), large-scale residential (apartments, row houses with five or more units), and mixed-use (mix of residential and non-residential) developments.
Download the 2024 major development permit pre-application meeting calendar
The scope can include:
- New buildings
- Renovations and additions, or
- A change of use resulting in a major change to the site such as parking or access
You will meet with a team of City staff from different departments to review your proposal and gather input on your issues.
At the meeting City staff will focus on items that will help you submit a well-informed development permit submission, including:
- Flagging issues to address, such as variances to the Zoning Bylaw
- Sharing information that needs to be considered, such as required separation from existing accesses, and
- Identifying additional required reports or information
- Sharing relevant City program information such as the Facade Improvement Program
Your development permit application that responds to the Pre-Application Meeting information will help to reduce review and process times. A thorough application can save time by limiting the back and forth communications between you and the City.
The Edmonton Service Centre is available for basic inquiries and information related to development permits that do not require a Pre-Application Meeting.
None of the comments provided through the Pre-Application Meeting are to be taken to imply or suggest a commitment or decision by City administration to either approve or refuse your proposal. Undertaking the complete Development Permit process is the only way to be provided with a decision by City administration.
Pre-Application Process
Pre-Application Meetings are:
- Every Wednesday for Major Pre-Application meetings. Each meeting is 50 minutes long
- Every Thursday for Infill Pre-Application meetings. Each meeting is 25 minutes long
- First-come, first-served based on complete requests
Requests are due 1 week before Infill Meetings and 3 weeks before the Major Development meeting date. A complete request includes the form with clear discussion items, a scaled Site Plan with the required information and the fee.
Note: Email is used for all communications. Ensure your email account will accept email from
Step 1: Submit Request
- Complete the Pre-Application Meeting Request form and online fee payment
- Due 1 week prior for Infill meeting date (No circulation required)
- Due 3 weeks prior for Major meeting date (Circulation required)
Pre-Application meeting for: Major Development Permits-non-residential (commercial, industrial, institutional, and similar developments), large-scale residential (apartments, row houses with five or more units), and mixed-use (mix of residential and non-residential) developments.
2025 fee: $480 (effective January 1, 2025)
Pre-Application meeting for: New Infill Construction for Single Detached
Housing, Semi-Detached Housing, Duplex Housing, Backyard Housing Applications
2025 fee: $190 (effective January 1, 2025)
Step 2: Meeting Scheduled
- Time slot (25 minutes) for Infill assigned by Development Services
- Time slot (50 minutes) for Major assigned by Development Services
- Requests scheduled on a first-come basis of complete requests, including the fee
- Meeting date shared by email within 2 days of a complete request
Step 3: City Review
- Request provided to relevant City staff for review
- City circulation may include Development Services, Drainage Services, Fire Rescue Services, Transportation Planning, Waste Management Services, Citizen Services and Planning and Environment Services
Step 4: Pre-Application Meeting
- 25-minute meeting for Infill with City staff
- 50-minute meeting for Major with City staff
- Focused on the discussion items and site plan provided with the meeting request
Step 5: Meeting Record
- Development Services provides a written followup
- Provided 1 week after the meeting
After the Pre-Application Meeting
In order to maximize the benefit of the Pre-Application Meeting, your development permit application needs to respond to the information provided at the meeting.
Share the Meeting Record with your project team. City staff who receive the development permit circulation will consider the comments included in the Meeting Record.
A full list of the guidelines and regulations that relate to Major Development Permit applications is on the Development Permit Resources page.