The City of Edmonton has developed a new wayfinding signage program that will assist users when enjoying Edmonton's River Valley parks and trail system. The signs will provide directions and information by identifying parks and their associated facilities, amenities and trail networks. Interpretive and regulatory signs are also included.
Project Timeline
A consultant was secured to take the project from concept to build. They worked closely with stakeholders (internal & external) to develop a sign look that met all the established criteria.
Review of sign plan for Gold Bar Park and trails (pilot project); Finalize sign content; Issue request for proposal to select sign fabricator to build and install signs
Updated sign plan completed; Sign fabricator selected; Installation of signs in Gold Bar Park
Wayfinding signage pilot project completed and evaluated. Small adjustments made to signs based on the survey findings.
Installations of future signage will occur as projects are completed in the River Valley parks and trails
Project Overview
This city-wide initiative addressed the growing need for a standard signage program in the River Valley to:
- Create consistent, thoughtful and accessible design for wayfinding signs to enhance the River Valley
- Include signs that provide trail users with directions, regulatory information and alerts, trailhead markers, park maps, and interpretive and special event information
- Develop signs that are legible, informative, easy to install, cost effective and easy to maintain
The completed project provided:
- A guideline package that will provide the specifics for sign production and installation
- A step-by-step checklist to guide park planners in developing a park and trail sign plan
- Application of the sign package to Gold Bar Park and trails
Concept & Design
Stakeholders were consulted on the concept and design from the start of the project. They included City staff who work in the River Valley as well as a wide range of external groups that use the River Valley on a regular basis.
A sign fabricator was selected through a request for proposal in early 2015. The fabricator produced, constructed and installed the signs in Gold Bar Park in late 2015/early 2016. The final evaluation of the first set of signs was completed and adjustments made.
All future projects in the River Valley will follow this established sign program.