Your Kitchen

The average kitchen accounts for up to 14% of a home’s total energy bill.

If your refrigerator and dishwasher are more than 10 years old, you can most likely reduce your utility bills by replacing these appliances with high-efficiency models. There’s an initial investment to upgrade old appliances, but chances are you’ll appreciate the superior performance and lower utility bills.

Look For The Labels

The EnerGuide label shows the total annual energy the appliance will consume yearly under average operation. You can use the rating to compare your options for electrical appliances.

An ENERGY STAR label means that a product meets stringent energy requirements. Ovens and ranges aren’t included in the program, given the inherent inefficiency of these appliances.

Best Appliance Size

Refrigerator models with the freezer on bottom use up to 12% less energy and models with the freezer on the top use up to 40% less energy than comparable side-by-side refrigerator/freezer models.

Compact dishwashers use less water and energy per wash, but if you have to use it more than once a day, it’s likely more efficient to use a standard size. Like refrigerators, dishwashers operate most efficiently when full.

Did You Know?
You shouldn’t position your dishwasher next to the refrigerator. The heat produced by the dishwasher causes your refrigerator to work harder.


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